Sunday, March 17, 2013

Castle Crags State Park March 17th

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! 
I decided to take it easy today and had a nice Sunday drive for about 46 miles from Redding to this state park. Shasta Lake looked very pretty as I drove by, green water and orange shorelines but I couldn’t find an easy place to pull off and admire it.

Castle Crags State Park is unfortunately very close to I-5, I can see the trucks going by, and hear them.There is a train too, but I like the sound of it. No one else is camping in the park, I am wondering where the other hearty souls are, or do they know something I do not? The roads are very narrow in this park and the sites small and challenging to get into. I wouldn’t want to be here in anything bigger than my 14 foot trailer. ($25.00 - no power or water)

Oops...tough making the turns!

I set up in the usual hurry and then hiked up the Vista Road which was a good workout and walked along the very smooth Vista Trail where we reached a viewpoint with benches and two viewing glasses. It was really spectacular with the Gray Rocks on the left, the Castle Crags dead ahead, and the stunningly beautiful Mt. Shasta, which is over 14,000 feet. It had snow being blown off its peak. We continued hiking and came to the Pacific Crest Trail which was neat so we hiked on that for a bit too and thought of "Cheryl" making her lonely way along it with that dreadful pack and the black toes.

 Castle Crags

 The Gray Rocks

 Snow being blown off the peak of Mt. Shasta

It was light out until nearly 8pm and I had a nice campfire, but it finally got too chilly.  I guess it’s time to pack away my shorts. Now where the heck did I stash my warm clothes? I sure hope my heater will work!

 Pacific Crest Trail extends for 8 miles through the park (trail runs from Mexico to Canada)

 Narrow one lane road up to Vista Trail - no RVs - passing would be a challenge

 Castle Crag St Park Campsite #36 - where did everyone go?

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